Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Exam Season Coming to an End

We at KA are very pleased with the hard work our students have put in to passing their exams this year. KA students once again have managed to pass into wonderful schools with excellent programs. Nearly half of the students from Shibu Maku (14) will be coming from KA. Twelve students at Kogyokushya are KA graduates, twenty two at Shoei, ten at Shibu Shibu, twelve at Senzoku. The list goes on and on. Congratulations, students, on your great success. 

A special congratulations to our scholarship students. Both scholarship students at Shibu Shibu are from KA. One of the scholarship students at Shibu Maku is a KA student. One of the newer programs, Kaetsu, has also awarded a scholarship to a KA student. Great work, everyone. Amazing. You should be very proud of your special achievement. 

The results for Keio and Gakugeidai are coming in later this week. Try to keep your focus these last few days, guys. Keio and Gakugeidai have challenging exams. You'll need to bring your 'A' game to succeed at these schools. 

Once again, congratulations! You've had an amazing year and all of us at KA are very proud. 

1 comment:

Humble Welcomer said...

YAY. I saw a boy with a KA handbag, by the way :D
Miyako was like, "He's AWESOME."