Monday, March 24, 2008

More Congratulations!

Great work T on the Shibu Shibu 'henyu' exam. I'd also like to congratulate Chihiro and Atsushi on their great work on the Eiken 1st grade. Both of you have been back in Japan for several years now, and it's great to see that your English is steadily improving. 

Juken students of 2007 and 2008, I'm very much looking forward to Sunday's party. I hope that all of you will be able to make it. If you can't make it to TGI Friday's, at least try to make it to the bowling party. We'll be teaming you up with students who will be attending your new school, so it will be a great chance to make new friends. It would be great if you already knew a few people from your new school before school begins. 

See you then!